Teeth Whitening – Is It Right For You?

Tooth discoloration might negatively damage confidence and social life, a dull smile damages your potential progression on the first impression, so it is important to have a clean and white tooth that produces an attractive appearance.

Tooth whitening is the chemical removal of chromosomes present in the enamel surface, based on the compound concentration, these procedures carried under professional supervision or in-house products provide results.

Causes of discoloration

Genetics is the primary cause of dull shade of enamel as some are born with a thick cavity that reflects flaws more vividly, while some have a brighter tone than others as a result of their hereditary lineage.

Higher exposure of fluoride in the workplace or dental supplements causes discoloration on the extrinsic level, which can be prevented by controlling the contact with those materials.

Beverages like coffee, tea, and alcohol are a leading cause of fading; these materials contain covalent bonds that break down on contact with aquatic substances, thus supporting the growth of chromosomes.

Inadequate dental hygiene not only creates stains but also elicits issues like tooth decay and infection, stains if not removed properly triggers the growth of bacterial contamination.

Types of lightening systems

•            There is whitening toothpaste available that contains abrasives & detergents to remove stains; some dentifrice also includes bleaching practices such as hydrogen peroxide that whitens teeth by one or two shades.

•            Thin strips of bleaches are meant to apply for thirty minutes as long as the color improves; these gels provide a convenient method contrary to many methods that involve tedious approaches.

•            Overnight remedies such as bleach trays worn for 2-4 hours creates visible results if continued according to the instructions mentioned by the manufactures.

•            Many dental procedures involve using high concentrated bleach to accelerate the outcome; a dentist also uses laser systems to produce more dramatic results as teeth whitening Fort Lauderdale uses advanced applications to provide the best treatment possible.

 Benefits of tooth whitening

A better physical presence is achievable through this procedure as a perfect smile boosts confidence & self-esteem, which is converted into an enhanced social performance avoiding the concern about a flawed semblance.

Maintaining good oral health is important and bleaching provides better dental hygiene, which is vital in reducing the growth of bacteria.

An important gain is the maintenance of teeth, which is a great asset considering expressing emotions should not be restrained due to the embarrassment of a stained tooth.